Legal Insight Issue 23
25 Nov 2015
Unfair Contract Term Protections
The Australian Consumer Law ("ACL") operates to protect consumers against terms in standard form contracts which are unfair. Amendments to the ACL which take effect in November 2016 will extend these protections to small businesses.
Broadly, a small business will be covered by the new protections if it employs less than 20 people and the price of the contract is $300,000.00 or less (for a 12 months or shorter contract) or $1 million or less (for a contract over 12 months).
Certain types of contracts and contract terms are exempt.
When is a contract term unfair?
There are a number of factors to consider in determining whether a term is potentially unfair. The fairness of a term is considered in the context of the contract as a whole and is ultimately decided by a court.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has suggested the following questions be asked to assist in determining whether a term is potentially unfair term.
- Does the term cause a significant imbalance between your rights and obligations and those of the business?
- Is the term reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the business?
- Would the term cause you detriment (financial or non-financial) if the business tried to enforce it?
- How transparent is the term?
The Federal Government acknowledges the significance of this change and this is why the operation of the new law has been deferred until November 2016 to allow businesses to implement any necessary changes to standard form contracts.
Business, big or small, should not to ignore this change. Remember, the effect of the legislation is that an "unfair term" is void… that's right, unenforceable and of no effect, as if it was never written in the agreement. Any business which issues standard form contracts to a consumer or small business containing harsh or one-sided contractual terms, should take steps to review, and, where appropriate, amend its contracts before November 2016.
Need Assistance?
Hugh & Associates – Lawyers can offer competitive pricing for review and amendment of standard form contracts.
Enquiries should be directed to ACL@hughlaw.com or by telephone to Robert Hugh on +61 2 9299 8220
Legal Insight Issue 22
31 Jul 2015
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20 Jan 2015
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18 Jun 2014
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Legal Insight Issue 17
17 Feb 2014
Discretion of the SMSF Trustee
Commencement of NSW Motor Dealers' Unfair Contracts Regime
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Voting Rights at Creditors' Meetings
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Covert Recordings – ...
Legal Insight Issue 16
16 Nov 2013
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ACCC Enforcement - Recent Examples
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Trusts - Shams - Bankruptcy
Legal Insight Issue 15
05 Sep 2013
Amendments to the Insurance Contracts Act Pass the Senate
Former Trustee in Liquidation Entitled to Sell Trust Assets
The ACCC – A Toothy Tiger
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Federal Court Orders – "Unfair Terms"
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11 Jul 2013
Enforceability of Contractual Dispute Resolution Provisions
ACCC Takes Action Alleging "Unfair Terms"
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Update on Franchising ...
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08 Mar 2013
Federal Court decision regarding Franchising & Competition and Consumer Act
ACCC issues small business, franchising and industry codes six monthly report
Proposed new tribunal for New South Wales
2013 review of the Franchising Code of Conduct
Legal Insight Issue 12
11 Dec 2012
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Powers of Attorney- Conditions or Limitations on the Power must be strictly followed.
Court removes liquidator due to impartiality concerns
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22 Jun 2012
Severe Impact of Non-Compliance with "Genuine Steps Statement" Requirements
Australia Wide Business Name Register
Defects in the Personal Property Securities Act Register
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30 Mar 2012
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Legal Insight Issue 9
19 Dec 2011
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21 Nov 2011
Pre-Litigation "Reasonable Steps" Delayed Further in NSW
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Proceedings Against Liquidators Personally
Liquidator Successfully Seeks Assistance of English Court to Enforce Judgments
Trustee's Right of Indemnity Hard ...
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04 Jul 2011
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New Federal Court Rules
Insolvency Practitioners: Beware Making Representations on Fees
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04 Apr 2011
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08 Nov 2010
Expert Determination Clause Binding on Parties
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04 Oct 2010
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Unfair Contracts - It's Now Law!
Protect Your IP - New Free Government Service
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08 Mar 2010
Franchising Update
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Legal Insight Issue 2
09 Nov 2009
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Legal Insight Issue 1
11 May 2009
Recent High Court of Australia Decision Awarding Damages to Landlord
Liquidators/Voluntary Administrators - Voting Rights of Proxy Holders
Recent High Court of Australia Decision Awarding Damages to Landlord